1.   Another common symptom of a hangover is lethargy and muscular weakness.

2.   Early symptoms include anorexia, muscular weakness and fatigue.

3.   Severe potassium depletion is associated with muscular weakness, cardiac arrhythmias, and renal impairment, but over vigorous replacement poses dangers and potassium is best given orally.

4.   In the current study, the only side effect was muscular weakness, which occurred in one patient, Javitt said.

5.   A ministry statement said unsupervised ingestion of chlorpheniramine may lead to dizziness, lowering of blood pressure and muscular weakness.

6.   Its symptoms include double vision, difficulty in speaking, breathing and swallowing, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, diarrhea and muscular weakness.

7.   Three Cincinnati Reds pitchers have muscular weakness in their shoulders and upper backs and have been told not to throw for at least another week.

8.   He said the disease could cause memory and higher function problems, aches and pains, bladder dysfunction, impotence, muscular weakness and paralysis.

9.   These mice which do not have enough dystrophin, develop muscular weakness in later life and other symptoms akin to muscular dystrophy.

a. + weakness >>共 333
economic 12.57%
continued 6.99%
recent 3.77%
continuing 2.71%
glaring 2.36%
further 2.31%
major 2.11%
overnight 2.11%
renewed 2.11%
current 2.06%
muscular 0.45%
muscular + n. >>共 268
body 4.81%
man 4.42%
pain 3.08%
arm 2.69%
problem 2.50%
tension 2.50%
physique 2.12%
weakness 1.73%
atrophy 1.73%
build 1.54%
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