1.   A mulching mower will cut the grass blades into small pieces that quickly break down, returning nitrogen to the soil.

2.   But the apple of his eye was the Toro Vac mulching mower.

3.   If you use a mulching mower in summer, you will leave enough nutrients on the turf to replenish the soil.

4.   If you use a mulching mower, the small grass bits will break down and replenish soil nutrients.

5.   Just recently, I put the bagging attachment on my mulching mower, filled several bags full and dropped the minced leaves in the beds around my rugosa roses.

6.   Mulching mowers chop the grass into small pieces and deposit it back on the lawn.

7.   Mulching mowers should be pushed more slowly than conventional mowers to give the clippings time to be thoroughly chopped.

8.   They can be put through a shredder or mulching mower.

9.   Those who use a mulching mower can rely on decomposing grass clippings during the summer to provide an ongoing supply of nutrients.

10.   You either have to rake or run the leaves over with a mulching mower.

a. + mower >>共 35
riding 21.92%
mulching 13.70%
electric 6.85%
rotary 6.85%
gas-powered 5.48%
new 4.11%
horse-drawn 2.74%
garden 1.37%
gas-guzzling 1.37%
gasoline-powered 1.37%
mulching + n. >>共 6
mower 62.50%
help 12.50%
blade 6.25%
fan 6.25%
shade 6.25%
vacuum 6.25%
每页显示:    共 10