1.   Gastrin is the designation given to a family of protein hormones produced by the mucosal cells of the gastric antrum.

2.   It seems possible that this material originates from rare mucosal endocrine cells expressing the gastrin gene.

3.   However, it has been stated that EGF does not stimulate the proliferation of gastric mucosal cells unless there is a breach of the mucosal lining.

4.   In addition, changes in the density of fundic mucosal endocrine cells were evaluated morphometrically.

5.   Prostaglandins inhibit acid secretion and their synthesis and release by gastric mucosal cells is enhanced by exposure to ethanol.

6.   This method should be useful for the study of the biological properties of gall bladder mucosal cells both in experimental animals and in humans.

7.   The traditional view that EATCL is a complication of coeliac disease is supported by new immunohistochemical evidence that both diseases have similar subsets of intestinal mucosal T cells.

8.   We and others have previously shown increased mucosal cell proliferation in patients with adenomatous polyps or cancer and a reduction of mucosal cell proliferation after calcium supplementation.

a. + cell >>共 936
human 5.69%
terrorist 3.63%
immune 2.97%
new 2.79%
holding 2.26%
normal 2.16%
epithelial 2.06%
living 2.02%
cancerous 1.98%
embryonic 1.86%
mucosal 0.40%
mucosal + n. >>共 80
injury 9.89%
damage 8.42%
cell 7.33%
biopsy 5.86%
resistance 4.40%
surface 4.03%
concentration 3.30%
disease 2.93%
proliferation 2.93%
prolapse 2.93%
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