1.   The latter move prompted the government to retaliate by establishing a blockade around the island and withdrawing all services from the inhabitants.

2.   The move has prompted renewed speculation that a General Election will be held in April.

3.   Because New York-based Citicorp is a bellwether for the industry, the move may prompt other banks to either cut or eliminate fees for electronic banking transactions.

4.   A new war between the states is breaking out in Congress as the move toward block grants prompts a ferocious scramble over how to divvy up the money.

5.   However, the move prompted speculation that the company might soon file for bankruptcy, a possibility Corimon executives dismissed.

6.   Industry officials expect the move will prompt other insurers and large investors such as pension plans to follow suit.

7.   Other options could include a joint venture, though such a move could prompt antitrust issues, analysts said.

8.   She acknowledged, however, that reorganizational moves by Disney prompted her decision.

9.   Such a move could prompt other pension fund groups to curb business as well.

n. + prompt >>共 1135
attack 2.43%
incident 2.36%
move 2.23%
report 2.17%
case 1.78%
concern 1.49%
decision 1.36%
death 1.15%
announcement 0.97%
violence 0.95%
move + v. >>共 446
be 27.02%
come 9.70%
follow 3.50%
help 2.13%
make 2.09%
have 1.66%
allow 1.47%
give 1.37%
appear 1.31%
mean 1.29%
prompt 0.90%
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