1.   A less obvious motive by agents is a hinted provision in the new agreement that would reduce their involvement with players until later in their careers.

2.   Positive motives by murderers are not acceptable reasons to kill.

3.   That opened the way for the government to establish a motive by Andersen officials to destroy documents related to Enron.

4.   Mitterrand noted that French arms sales to Indonesia, including those by Alcatel-Alsthom and Matra, had increased substantially, without any obvious military motive by Jakarta.

n. + by >>共 1516
effort 1.42%
attack 1.37%
attempt 1.07%
decision 1.01%
visit 0.94%
report 0.85%
year 0.79%
move 0.69%
investigation 0.63%
action 0.59%
motive 0%
motive + p. >>共 30
for 65.19%
of 13.91%
behind 9.01%
in 7.86%
to 1.19%
as 0.55%
at 0.36%
other_than 0.36%
from 0.20%
into 0.20%
by 0.16%
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