1.   If the images themselves are changing in time, as in the case of animations or motion video, the problem is compounded.

2.   Now let us look at television information and gain some sense of the amount of data needed to represent motion video.

3.   The huge amounts of information needed to convey images such as colour stills or motion video, represent one of the greatest challenges for multimedia technology.

4.   In the case of full motion video, the need for very fast information retrieval is acute.

5.   Curiously, one of the first applications of the JPEG standard has been not for still images but for motion video.

6.   For example, DVI can offer about one hour of full screen, full motion video with accompanying audio.

7.   The database can then offer any combination of fields whether they are data, images, motion video, text or sound objects.

8.   As the new technology, from Ligos Corp., evolves, it should eventually enable users to capture, store and display full motion video more easily and quickly.

n. + video >>共 302
full-motion 4.05%
exercise 3.92%
security 2.87%
surveillance 2.74%
rock 2.74%
workout 2.09%
motion 2.09%
rap 2.09%
news 1.83%
movie 1.70%
motion + n. >>共 130
detector 13.03%
sensor 8.51%
injury 7.98%
offense 6.65%
video 4.26%
capture 2.93%
control 2.39%
penalty 2.13%
machine 1.60%
debate 1.60%
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