1.   Choreographic motifs recur and acquire different meaning in a new context.

2.   Motifs recur.

3.   The pairing is a neat demonstration of how a single classic pictorial motif can recur, which is nice to see, in a textbooky way.

4.   Though it was aesthetics that attracted him to flags, Lopes has become intrigued with the way certain motifs recur and the stories behind them.

5.   Yet certain motifs recur, and so the presentation at the uptown gallery is arranged more or less thematically.

n. + recur >>共 88
cancer 14.22%
problem 9.80%
theme 6.86%
disease 3.43%
tumor 3.43%
symptom 2.94%
motif 2.45%
incident 1.96%
infection 1.96%
injury 1.96%
motif + v. >>共 50
be 37.14%
recur 4.76%
turn 3.81%
come 2.86%
include 2.86%
have 1.90%
become 1.90%
draw 1.90%
continue 1.90%
look 1.90%
每页显示:    共 5