1.   Beverly and Bob Lewis own several dozen other racehorses, most of which reside in the barn of the trainer D. Wayne Lukas.

2.   Most of them reside as tiny buttons drawn into the right margin and bottom left corner of a document.

3.   Most reside in Havana, but smaller communities exist in several outlying areas.

4.   She also wanted her players, most of whom reside north of the Mason-Dixon Line, to get accustomed to the sultry summers in the South.

5.   Most of them reside in Jakarta, Bali and Irian Jaya.

6.   Most of them reside in the prairie provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

n. + reside >>共 225
power 8.12%
family 4.35%
virus 2.32%
team 2.32%
most 1.74%
member 1.45%
air 1.16%
people 1.16%
player 1.16%
population 1.16%
most + v. >>共 700
be 30.12%
have 4.91%
say 2.87%
come 1.90%
go 1.50%
agree 1.48%
live 1.34%
do 1.26%
use 1.16%
seem 1.01%
reside 0.04%
每页显示:    共 6