1.   As a wife of a former Southern governor and a close political partner of her husband, Mrs. Carter is by far the most like Mrs. Clinton.

2.   Baseball is most like basketball.

3.   Bobby and his wife, Ann, say that of their six children, Tommy is the one most like his father.

4.   But her lawyer sounds most like an out of towner in sensing some higher good here.

5.   Commissioner Caroline Orzac Shoenberger, a former New Yorker, said her city was probably most like New York.

6.   Compared with the others, the CR-V felt most like a nose-heavy, front-drive car.

7.   Consider telephoning the owners of the advertised cars that seem most like yours and inquire if their vehicles have sold.

8.   Emmitt Smith in his best years, which passed two years ago, was most like Davis.

9.   Lee picked Allen because, of all things, he looked most like a high-schooler.

10.   Most analysts today are reluctant to recommend Concentra, but most like its business.

n. + like >>共 1236
company 3.47%
people 2.77%
place 2.11%
country 1.89%
thing 1.83%
issue 1.58%
player 1.18%
look 1.13%
group 1.08%
city 1.05%
most 0.06%
most + p. >>共 32
of 92.84%
in 1.65%
from 1.22%
to 0.70%
at 0.63%
out_of 0.54%
about 0.43%
by 0.26%
on 0.26%
for 0.24%
like 0.11%
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