1.   Change, in industry, commerce, and agriculture, was most evident and most rapid in the periphery.

2.   Differences between the two main social groups in the community were most evident in the question of landscape control and identity.

3.   Of all the economic advances retrospectively labelled by historians, those in the transport sector were the most evident to contemporaries.

4.   The most evident change as the eighteenth century progressed was the relative decline in the importance of Europe.

5.   This contrast is most evident in the early presentation of the generosity of the monk and merchant respectively.

6.   And the reduced brain metabolism rate was most evident in the portion of the brain important for attention, handwriting, motor control and inhibition of responses.

7.   As usual, high scores were most evident in wealthier school districts.

8.   At the counter where patrons lounge, the old soda shop feel is most evident.

9.   Baker had him jog on pavement, where discomfort would be most evident.

10.   A liberal Republican on issues like gun control and abortion, her conservative thinking is most evident on economic issues.

d. + evident >>共 138
more 18.48%
also 7.58%
most 6.57%
not 5.41%
already 5.10%
still 4.56%
particularly 3.63%
immediately 3.17%
everywhere 2.94%
less 2.78%
most + a. >>共 1046
important 6.90%
popular 3.24%
recent 2.96%
likely 2.64%
common 2.04%
powerful 1.77%
serious 1.47%
successful 1.28%
difficult 1.22%
famous 1.17%
evident 0.09%
每页显示:    共 85