1.   The Palestinians would be required to prevent mortar shelling, shut down explosives factories, collect illegal weapons and demonstrate an effort to prevent weapon smuggling.

2.   They were being shelled by mortars.

3.   Mideast-unrest-L mortar shells across the border into the Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms.

4.   Most left after Kibumba was shelled by mortar on Saturday.

n. + shell >>共 81
force 26.33%
tank 13.29%
artillery 12.15%
troop 10.51%
rebel 6.20%
army 4.56%
gunner 2.78%
guerrilla 2.03%
gunboat 1.90%
gun 1.65%
mortar 0.51%
mortar + v. >>共 77
hit 13.20%
be 10.80%
land 6.80%
fall 6.00%
explode 6.00%
slam 4.00%
crash 2.80%
fire 2.40%
have 2.40%
pound 2.40%
shell 1.60%
每页显示:    共 4