1.   Knowing that they could save that many more lives has proved frustrating, although challenging.

2.   Floods ravaging Bangladesh claimed two more lives and inundated areas close to the capital on Sunday, officials said.

3.   Israeli and Palestinian security officials met for the first time in two months Tuesday, renewing efforts to ease months of violence that claimed six more lives.

4.   Snow and cold have claimed four more lives in Bulgaria, raising the death toll from the deep freeze to eight, officials said Friday.

5.   Still, cross-border shelling resumed along the cease-fire line that divides disputed Kashmir between India and Pakistan, claiming three more lives.

6.   Still, cross-border shelling resumed Saturday, claiming three more lives.

7.   The latest police raid in Drenica, the central Kosovo region where the crackdown began, claimed four more lives Friday, ethnic Albanians said.

8.   The latest police raid in Drenica, the central Kosovo region where the crackdown started, claimed four more lives, ethnic Albanians said Saturday.

9.   Two days later, a bomb exploded in the cemetery where the victims were buried, claiming three more lives.

10.   A bloody turf-war between two rival bike gangs claimed at least two more lives Thursday as three explosions rocked Montreal.

n. + live >>共 1438
people 10.26%
family 9.43%
child 3.22%
couple 2.35%
most 2.24%
man 2.13%
woman 1.76%
parent 1.60%
mother 1.46%
patient 1.12%
more 0.16%
more + v. >>共 557
be 20.12%
run 3.82%
have 2.52%
die 2.07%
time 1.94%
chance 1.16%
come 1.10%
miss 1.10%
go 0.91%
people 0.91%
live 0.84%
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