1.   He said his faith gave him the moral courage to survive his ordeal.

2.   She was far from confident that she possessed the moral courage to endure further revelations from that dark side of her moon.

3.   At least no one could ever accuse him of lacking decency and moral courage.

4.   At this point, hearing Clinton lecture on moral courage is about like having Ronald McDonald criticize your taste in clothes.

5.   From many sources, an opera set during World War II flows on an undercurrent of moral courage.

6.   Hazard INDIANA -- XXXX IOWA -- XXXX LOUISIANA -- Lt. Simmons presented the Cavallo award for moral courage for speaking out against sexual harassment in the military.

7.   He has the moral courage to sustain the slowest of tempos in the first movement of the Chopin F minor Concerto.

8.   He had physical courage and emotional courage and usually, but not always, moral courage.

9.   My attention kept returning in the midst of all this turmoil to two firm acts of great moral courage by women.

10.   The book explains where Thompson got the moral courage to stand up to Lt. William Calley and his men who were killing unarmed women, children and old men.

a. + courage >>共 137
political 15.11%
great 14.87%
moral 4.32%
personal 3.60%
physical 2.64%
real 2.40%
considerable 1.92%
uncommon 1.92%
extraordinary 1.68%
enormous 1.68%
moral + n. >>共 945
support 5.69%
value 3.95%
authority 3.81%
issue 3.24%
victory 2.52%
obligation 2.35%
ground 1.80%
standard 1.78%
responsibility 1.73%
dilemma 1.57%
courage 0.34%
每页显示:    共 18