1.   His face was flushed and damp and he mopped his forehead with a large handkerchief.

2.   I said, mopping my forehead with my handkerchief.

3.   Intent, furiously chewing gum, repeatedly mopping his forehead, Gore called his wife over and ran several bits of the speech past her.

4.   Lacey mopped her forehead, which had sprung a river.

5.   More and more, though, he coasts on his kingly image, mopping his forehead and sending an endless stream of sweaty scarves flying into the hysterical audience.

6.   Saying he was just getting over the flu, Perez repeatedly mopped his forehead and fidgeted in the warm courtroom.

v. + forehead >>共 89
kiss 8.23%
rub 7.36%
wipe 6.06%
slap 5.63%
touch 5.63%
cover 3.46%
feel 3.03%
have 2.60%
mop 2.60%
lean 2.16%
mop + n. >>共 26
floor 41.18%
brow 18.49%
face 7.56%
forehead 5.04%
sweat 3.36%
tear 3.36%
eye 2.52%
blood 1.68%
head 1.68%
sidewalk 1.68%
每页显示:    共 6