1.   Behrman is more temperate now, he said, his mania held in check by mood stabilizers and Seroquel, an antipsychotic drug that keeps his hallucinations at bay.

2.   Bipolar II patients very often exhibit no actual mania and therefore go without adequate treatment, including the mood stabilizers that could save their lives.

3.   He had previously been diagnosed as manic depressive, the psychiatric report said, and was placed on lithium carbonate, a mood stabilizer.

4.   He yanked Bohn off the antidepressants and put him on mood stabilizers.

5.   Prescribing antidepressants like Prozac instead of mood stabilizers like Lithium can actually intensify the depression, and can lead to suicide.

6.   She lives on a combination of anti-depressants, mood stabilizers and occasional psychotherapy tune-ups.

7.   Today, Bohn is on the mood stabilizer known as Depakote, which appears to be calming the emotional roller coaster.

n. + stabilizer >>共 11
mood 31.82%
fuel 18.18%
image 9.09%
polymer 9.09%
carbon 4.55%
do 4.55%
foam 4.55%
gasoline 4.55%
need 4.55%
nerve 4.55%
mood + n. >>共 79
swing 48.64%
change 8.18%
disorder 7.95%
music 5.23%
ring 2.73%
piece 2.27%
shift 2.05%
lighting 1.82%
stabilizer 1.59%
state 0.91%
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