1.   Exactly the same as the mood disorders and behavioural characteristics of the primary disease.

2.   Mood disorders such as mania and depression involve inappropriate emotional responses.

3.   Origins of schizophrenia Schizophrenia is primarily a thought disorder, whereas depression is dominated by a mood disorder.

4.   Poets seem to have the highest rates of mood disorders and suicide.

5.   Seiden suspects that the long-term result could be depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and other mood disorders.

6.   Some patients had a short lived mood disorder, which would be likely to resolve rapidly, perhaps without treatment.

7.   Studies show that prolonged exposure to maternal depression can result in childhood mood disorders.

8.   The data is similar, though not as strong, for mood disorders.

9.   Neilsen has indicated that anorexia nervosa has a pattern of seasonal onset consistent with that for certain mood disorders and suicide.

10.   Schizophrenia is primarily a thought disorder, whereas depression is dominated by a mood disorder.

n. + disorder >>共 177
stress 15.00%
personality 7.94%
brain 6.34%
blood 6.19%
sleep 5.97%
anxiety 5.90%
attention 2.69%
kidney 2.55%
mood 2.55%
deficit 2.18%
mood + n. >>共 79
swing 48.64%
change 8.18%
disorder 7.95%
music 5.23%
ring 2.73%
piece 2.27%
shift 2.05%
lighting 1.82%
stabilizer 1.59%
state 0.91%
每页显示:    共 35