1.   He was still hitting greens with monotonous regularity, but on the putting surface his touch had deserted him.

2.   Indeed, he was a sickly child, succumbing with monotonous regularity to ear and throat infections.

3.   Learners like hand-outs, but they should not be used with monotonous regularity to echo everything the teacher says.

4.   Our team kept losing with monotonous regularity in a way that seems boring or annoying.

5.   The ineffable Louis Stanley, operating from his suite in the Dorchester, launched new but already outmoded cars with monotonous regularity.

6.   This magnet for unwanted paper will fill up and overflow with monotonous regularity and should be abolished.

7.   Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity.

8.   For years, Petty Enterprises turned out winning race cars with almost monotonous regularity.

9.   On the first Tuesday of November every four years, with monotonous regularity, Americans choose a president.

10.   With monotonous regularity, the script moves from story to story, with disappointingly few scenes of the four main characters interacting.

a. + regularity >>共 102
alarming 11.73%
increasing 7.14%
monotonous 6.12%
great 4.59%
numbing 2.55%
rhythmic 2.55%
increased 2.04%
amazing 1.53%
metronomic 1.53%
frightening 1.53%
monotonous + n. >>共 60
regularity 14.12%
voice 5.88%
routine 4.71%
cycle 2.35%
job 2.35%
landscape 2.35%
rhythm 2.35%
tableau 2.35%
sound 2.35%
story 2.35%
每页显示:    共 12