1.   In the short term it proposes increased monitoring to ensure that the highest standards of pesticide use are maintained.

2.   The American government and the European Union have spent millions of dollars each on election system support, voter education and monitoring to ensure fairness.

3.   This is not to reward Iraq but to provide an incentive for it to accept strict monitoring to ensure that its industries are not used to rebuild its weapons.

4.   Siemens also will connect each hospital bed to the Internet, allowing for video conferencing with physicians or family members, and providing security monitoring to ensure confidentiality.

5.   South Korea had wanted more extensive monitoring to ensure the food aid reaches its intended recipients.

6.   South Korea had wanted more extensive monitoring to ensure the food aid reaches target areas it has designated.

7.   The exiles hope for international monitoring to ensure elections Hun Sen has promised for next year are free and fair.

8.   The manufacturers do not want international monitoring to ensure that they were abolishing child labor and that the retrenched children were provided schooling.

v. + ensure >>共 276
work 11.00%
do 7.43%
can 5.36%
use 3.03%
act 2.34%
monitor 2.34%
check 1.65%
deploy 1.65%
intervene 1.38%
test 1.38%
monitoring 1.24%
monitoring + v. >>共 18
ensure 27.27%
make 15.15%
assure 6.06%
continue 6.06%
prevent 6.06%
allow 3.03%
be 3.03%
counter 3.03%
detect 3.03%
determine 3.03%
每页显示:    共 9