1.   I had always believed Catherine to be absolutely honest in money matters.

2.   Although my spouse handles all money matters, I nevertheless do not hesitate in giving financial advice to sports teams.

3.   And differences crop up even between spouses who are similarly minded about money matters.

4.   As long as money matters and people keep procreating, the tug of war between career and child-rearing will continue.

5.   A year-end housecleaning is a good way to sort your records, and it also helps you focus on your expectations for the coming year, including money matters.

6.   Advisers often find themselves helping their athlete clients with day-to-day money matters.

7.   Bruce Hesse is knowledgeable about money matters.

8.   But money matters swirl around this team.

9.   But money usually matters most and this was a money matter.

10.   But then Kurson has always believed that money matters should be fun.

n. + matter >>共 495
security 13.32%
personnel 5.30%
policy 5.02%
business 2.82%
money 2.65%
trade 2.60%
intelligence 2.14%
immigration 2.14%
health 1.98%
budget 1.86%
money + n. >>共 797
manager 24.62%
list 3.58%
management 2.65%
firm 2.35%
problem 2.10%
transfer 1.85%
changer 1.56%
title 1.51%
donation 1.47%
flow 1.44%
matter 0.78%
每页显示:    共 47