1.   I believe these funds have money invested in U.S. securities, and if the government defaults, what would happen to money invested in these funds?

2.   If Mexico cancels some of the bonds it will recover the money invested in the U.S. Treasury securities.

3.   In his only shift, Jacobs is moving half the money invested in Fidelity Convertible Securities to the Oakmark Fund, a growth fund.

4.   In so-called growth accounts, Medley said he has almost as much money invested in international stock funds as U.S. stock funds.

5.   Money invested in those funds in Treasury securities, which count against the federal debt limit, can be converted into cash through a simple bookkeeping entry.

6.   Nationally and regionally, these sectors accounted for more than half the deals and half the money invested.

7.   Now we have reached a stage at which economic growth can be based on the stable ruble and the private money invested in our own domestic production.

8.   The distribution and generation companies will be restructured based on a model developed in Bolivia in which the money that is invested stays in the company.

9.   The Postal Service faces a problem is getting the money to invest in the company.

10.   The U.S. is concerned that money invested in Iran by Total and its Russian and Malaysia partners could end up in the hands of terrorists, he said.

n. + invest >>共 351
company 17.73%
fund 11.48%
government 4.34%
people 3.63%
worker 3.51%
business 3.09%
firm 2.32%
manager 2.08%
individual 1.90%
investor 1.90%
money 0.71%
money + v. >>共 365
be 35.19%
go 9.92%
come 8.48%
help 2.46%
buy 2.08%
have 1.82%
pay 1.82%
flow 1.70%
change 1.12%
run 1.01%
invest 0.10%
每页显示:    共 12