1.   Meehan expressed skepticism that Republicans would be able to find the money to cover the tax cut.

2.   The phrase win money by betting covers the accused who deceives another into accepting a wager.

3.   He confirmed that the Scottish Office money could cover only cash flow difficulties from the oil funds -- not the producers.

4.   Amazon.com, for instance, floats shares in a rising market, and the money it raises covers huge annual losses.

5.   A mutual fund might need money to cover withdrawals at the end of the year, while a corporation might need money to cover a dividend payment.

6.   But he also warned fellow lawmakers that Texas school districts need discretionary money to cover other programs.

7.   But he later conceded that the vote had been wrong and said he had since voted twice for money to cover the cost of state compliance with the law.

8.   Coenen says the money only covers half the year.

9.   Frank Catroppa, superintendent of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, said the money will cover all the work needed to preserve the building.

10.   Giuliani said that administrative costs would be covered by money raised specifically for overhead, not by general donations to the Twin Towers Fund.

n. + cover >>共 1663
insurance 3.06%
agreement 2.80%
weather 2.01%
plan 1.66%
law 1.47%
air 1.45%
cloud 1.44%
talk 1.34%
condition 1.22%
patent 1.08%
money 0.80%
money + v. >>共 365
be 35.19%
go 9.92%
come 8.48%
help 2.46%
buy 2.08%
have 1.82%
pay 1.82%
flow 1.70%
change 1.12%
run 1.01%
cover 0.50%
每页显示:    共 57