1.   Resting her head wearily against the hard banister rail, she fought down the momentary surge of panic.

2.   Momentary surges from the pack by one or two runners.

3.   The powerless summon a momentary surge of power, enrapturing a roomful of the lonely by flaunting their sensuality.

4.   Dealers now fear that a momentary surge in prices may occur, however, as any delay in Zairean shipments would leave industry short of supplies.

a. + surge >>共 340
recent 14.08%
sudden 6.75%
late 4.02%
new 3.37%
unexpected 2.99%
latest 2.60%
tidal 2.14%
expected 2.01%
huge 1.62%
initial 1.49%
momentary 0.26%
momentary + n. >>共 226
lapse 5.96%
pause 2.98%
panic 2.71%
silence 2.17%
loss 1.90%
setback 1.63%
advantage 1.36%
glimpse 1.36%
pleasure 1.36%
relief 1.36%
surge 1.08%
每页显示:    共 4