1.   Although a high pressure system covers the West, moisture will increase across the Southwest and Great Basin, causing scattered thunderstorms.

2.   Plant food is more available in cooler soil, and the extra soil moisture increases plant growth and yields.

3.   The hot spell in the Northeast will persist, though moisture will increase as a front approaches from the northwest.

4.   However, low level moisture has increased across the Lesser Antilles and Atlantic which should allow for scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms to develop across the islands through Sunday.

5.   However...The local moisture will gradually increase and this will lead to more clouds and precipiation for early this week.

6.   Moisture will increase through the middle levels of the atmosphere by Monday, and moderate to briefly heavy rainfall will be possible by then.

7.   Moisture will gradually increase over the region late tonight and Saturday as a mid level trough approaches the area from the east.

8.   Moisture will increase as winds shift more to the south to southeast through tonight.

9.   This low-level moisture will gradually increase this afternoon through Thursday across our area.

n. + increase >>共 1887
price 2.63%
company 2.41%
government 2.38%
rate 2.26%
number 2.05%
sale 1.73%
cloud 1.27%
cost 1.23%
pressure 1.22%
tension 1.22%
moisture 0.09%
moisture + v. >>共 150
be 19.60%
cause 4.85%
come 2.64%
condense 2.42%
evaporate 2.42%
increase 1.98%
continue 1.98%
get 1.76%
combine 1.76%
stream 1.76%
每页显示:    共 9