1.   Moisten edges of round with cold water and fold dough in half, making sure filling does not spread to edges.

2.   Moisten edges of wrappers lightly with water.

3.   Moisten the edge of the skin with a little water.

4.   Moisten the edges with egg yolk and join the two opposite corners, making a triangle.

5.   Moisten edge of crust with cold water.

6.   Moisten edges with water, fold to form a semicircle and press edges together with a fork.

7.   Moisten the edge of the dough on the pan with egg wash and adhere five strips to it in each direction, forming a lattice.

8.   Moisten two edges of the wrapper and fold the wrapper over to form a triangle, pressing down edges to seal.

9.   Moisten edge with water, fold crust over filling, and crimp edges with a fork.

10.   Moisten edges of wrapper with water or a mixture of cornstarch and water.

v. + edge >>共 387
have 30.50%
lose 5.56%
take 4.22%
get 3.07%
hold 2.96%
gain 2.92%
give 2.92%
maintain 1.34%
trim 1.30%
reach 1.10%
moisten 0.63%
moisten + n. >>共 70
ingredient 14.91%
edge 9.94%
mixture 6.83%
flour 4.97%
lip 4.35%
soil 3.11%
air 2.48%
bread 2.48%
finger 2.48%
side 2.48%
每页显示:    共 16