1.   Convector models work by drawing in cold air which is then warmed in a convection-chamber.

2.   How the model will work Funds will flow through primary care to secondary care.

3.   The model only works at the level of the textbook example, the single isolated sentence.

4.   The approach of the House of Lords in Swain v The Law Society illustrates how this model might work.

5.   Analysts and others said getting into the water business in the United States had been deliberately slow because Coke executives wanted to be sure the economic model would work.

6.   And the model kind of worked.

7.   According to Fallon, the model has worked well.

8.   Adult Web sites may look different, but most models work in similar environments.

9.   Advocates of low-flush toilets respond that the newer models work better than early versions.

10.   All the Visor models work with both Windows and Macintosh systems.

n. + work >>共 1142
system 2.89%
company 2.33%
official 1.74%
people 1.62%
strategy 1.59%
government 1.49%
team 1.18%
man 1.09%
group 1.02%
employee 1.02%
model 0.21%
model + v. >>共 541
be 29.13%
have 6.47%
come 3.04%
wear 2.34%
look 2.10%
work 1.74%
offer 1.30%
predict 1.27%
show 1.27%
include 1.27%
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