1.   Her remarks were greeted with mocking laughter.

2.   Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.

3.   Her mocking laughter stopped suddenly as she saw his face go deathly white.

4.   His skeletal body clothed in dirty rags looked grotesque as he hopped from foot to foot, to the mocking laughter of the tinkers.

5.   Imagine the mocking laughter that would have ensued if Malone had been slapped with a class-action defamation suit.

a. + laughter >>共 193
nervous 10.30%
raucous 6.09%
hysterical 4.92%
loud 3.51%
derisive 2.58%
canned 2.11%
hearty 1.87%
appreciative 1.64%
uncontrollable 1.64%
helpless 1.64%
mocking 1.17%
mocking + n. >>共 76
smile 9.65%
tone 5.26%
laughter 4.39%
face 2.63%
gesture 2.63%
gaze 2.63%
picture 2.63%
glance 1.75%
amusement 1.75%
glitter 1.75%
每页显示:    共 5