1.   In Medan, angry mobs looted stores, smashed windows and set cars ablaze.

2.   A Hindu mob looted Muslim shops and set fire to a plastics warehouse in Vadodara on Monday night, the officer said.

3.   After dusk, mobs looted and attacked shops and houses, witnesses said.

4.   But rioting spread to the nearby town of Idi, where mobs looted stores and burned goods.

5.   Chinese families ran for their lives and took shelter in police stations as mobs looted and burned their shops, homes and churches.

6.   In a separate incident, a mob looted a trainload of food intended for the refugees camps, while Zairian rebel soldiers did nothing to stop them.

7.   Mobs also looted and set fire to the French embassy and the French Cultural Center in Bissau.

8.   Meanwhile, violence flared again when mobs looted and set fire to shops in the Naroda Patia neighborhood of Ahmadabad, the largest city in the western state.

9.   Mobs have looted and burned dozens of stores, particularly those owned by the ethnic Chinese minority who have been targeted by the protests.

10.   Mobs looted Chinese-owned homes and shops during deadly rioting in Jakarta and other cities in May that helped oust former President Suharto.

n. + loot >>共 102
troop 14.51%
soldier 13.46%
mob 5.80%
rebel 3.69%
crowd 2.90%
civilian 2.11%
people 2.11%
militiaman 2.11%
protester 1.85%
hundred 1.85%
mob + v. >>共 267
attack 13.44%
burn 5.39%
set 4.02%
be 3.06%
kill 2.82%
throw 2.41%
storm 2.09%
beat 1.93%
loot 1.77%
go 1.69%
每页显示:    共 22