1.   How often should I make water changes, and how should I mix the salt?

2.   For a surprising accent, mix a little salt with the green tea, as the Japanese sometimes do.

3.   In a shaker, mix together salt, grains of paradise, tomato juice, lime juice, vinegar and vodka.

4.   Mix salt and pepper with flour and dredge scallops.

5.   Mix salt with rice flour and fold in by hand or on low speed.

6.   To remove the red stain on you hands when working with beets, use kosher salt mixed with a little water.

v. + salt >>共 150
add 30.77%
rub 5.18%
use 5.02%
remove 3.68%
contain 2.68%
sprinkle 2.51%
pour 2.17%
have 2.01%
adjust 1.84%
put 1.84%
mix 1.00%
mix + n. >>共 1040
stock 20.24%
feeling 6.35%
price 4.44%
dollar 3.78%
result 3.08%
future 2.99%
reaction 2.27%
share 2.01%
market 1.99%
ingredient 1.96%
salt 0.10%
每页显示:    共 6