1.   And little mistakes kill us, too.

2.   And mistakes killed the Falcons.

3.   Commanders micromanaging their subordinates out of fear that a single mistake will kill a military career.

4.   Football players are taught that mistakes kill.

5.   Mistakes are killing them.

6.   Mistakes can kill the wrong people.

7.   No one person was responsible, because it is virtually impossible for one mistake to kill a patient in the highly mechanized and backstopped world of a modern hospital.

8.   The Institute of Medicine reported last month that medical mistakes kill more hospital patients than car accidents, AIDS or breast cancer.

9.   They have to understand at such a moment that one mistake will kill them.

10.   They played well Saturday, but mistakes killed them.

n. + kill >>共 1422
police 4.72%
gunman 4.65%
soldier 4.50%
troop 4.12%
rebel 3.83%
force 3.03%
guerrilla 2.38%
militant 2.12%
explosion 1.74%
man 1.67%
mistake 0.13%
mistake + v. >>共 232
be 42.52%
happen 4.25%
occur 4.02%
cost 3.86%
come 3.54%
lead 2.05%
make 2.05%
cause 1.50%
have 1.10%
turn 1.02%
kill 0.94%
每页显示:    共 12