1.   A Russian mission control official, Viktor Blagov, expressed confidence that the crew will get the job done.

2.   Citing federal rules designed to protect the medical privacy of astronauts, mission officials would not disclose whether any of the four experiment subjects was experiencing illnesses.

3.   Early tests indicated that the replacement was working as planned, mission officials said.

4.   None of this research is likely to produce immediate or sensational results, mission officials said.

5.   The small robotic spacecraft, Mars Odyssey, is on course to begin orbiting the planet late Tuesday, mission officials said.

6.   Unspoken by the polar lander mission officials so far, but on the minds of their colleagues, is the question about an underlying premise of this exploration strategy.

7.   A mission control official told the agency Linenger and his colleague Vasily Tsibliyev will spend more than five hours outside the station.

8.   In recent weeks, some inhabitants had begun to show anger toward the patrols, as their mission official turned from peacekeeping to military reconnaissance.

9.   Police spokesman Lenny Alcivar said that after talks between police and mission officials, the Russians agreed to pay the summons and the bus was released.

10.   The failure of the Mars Climate Orbiter stemmed from a mix-up in units of measurement used by a contractor and those being used by JPL mission officials.

n. + official >>共 339
government 15.68%
administration 6.51%
security 5.00%
city 4.28%
police 4.19%
company 3.43%
ministry 3.37%
health 3.21%
enforcement 2.61%
school 2.27%
mission 0.02%
mission + n. >>共 231
statement 12.09%
control 9.15%
specialist 4.27%
commander 4.17%
chief 3.96%
manager 3.05%
spokesman 2.34%
center 2.03%
controller 1.93%
church 1.63%
official 1.42%
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