1.   Jen has been stuck in a miserable job for the last two years.

2.   Certainly you can have a miserable job with a miserable company, but the world is full of fun places.

3.   Free of his miserable job, relationship and life in general, Fry welcomes the chance to start over in the world.

4.   He has a miserable job clearing toxic waste from an industrial site but earns enough to send money home.

5.   In the past, Shell, and other big oil companies, have done a great job developing technology and a miserable job of marketing it.

6.   Plus, proponents have done a miserable job of promoting their cause, while opponents have successfully muddied the issue with misinformation.

7.   The Clinton administration has done a miserable job at calming fears and building consensus.

8.   The investigators limited themselves to Army records at the National Archives in Maryland, but even there they appear to have done a miserable job.

9.   The makeup department, however, did a miserable job on bass Mark Anderson, who sang the part of Geronte.

10.   The portrait is that of a brilliant thinker who did a fairly miserable job of handling his private affairs.

a. + job >>共 748
new 9.90%
good 7.26%
better 4.28%
top 2.82%
starting 2.80%
first 2.17%
great 2.14%
full-time 2.00%
coaching 1.76%
part-time 1.59%
miserable 0.05%
miserable + n. >>共 293
condition 6.71%
day 5.63%
season 4.07%
time 3.23%
life 3.11%
weather 2.99%
year 2.87%
start 2.63%
night 1.92%
performance 1.92%
job 1.32%
每页显示:    共 11