1.   His clothes look as if they are re-tailored daily to accommodate any minute fluctuations in weight.

2.   GFCIs are extremely sensitive to minute fluctuations in power.

3.   Minute fluctuations in the amount of energy in different places would eventually have generated sound waves, or ripples, in the primordial gases.

4.   The Louisiana observatory uses minute fluctuations in beams of laser light to detect the pulsing of gravity waves.

a. + fluctuation >>共 145
wild 9.39%
sharp 7.36%
wide 5.84%
recent 4.31%
seasonal 3.55%
short-term 3.05%
daily 2.79%
normal 2.54%
economic 2.03%
natural 1.78%
minute 1.27%
minute + n. >>共 258
detail 11.84%
amount 8.88%
lead 4.77%
particle 3.45%
trace 2.80%
mark 2.47%
quantity 1.97%
penalty 1.97%
goal 1.97%
change 1.81%
fluctuation 0.82%
每页显示:    共 5