1.   Chop and add to casseroles or steep in boiling water for a few minutes before adding to salads.

2.   I sat in the car for a few minutes before starting off.

3.   If you do snap a twig then freeze and wait for several minutes before continuing.

4.   Jean talked to her for a few minutes before going on towards the pathology department.

5.   Seikaly and Kitchner tangled for several minutes before the referees separated them.

6.   The two players left the stadium without comment minutes before the Press conference started.

7.   He lay on the ice for a few minutes before being helped up and skating off.

8.   Beckham slotted a goal in just minutes before the final whistle.

9.   She talked to us for a few minutes before scooting off to some appointment.

10.   She rambled for several minutes before introducing the main speaker.

n. + before >>共 1532
day 2.33%
time 2.18%
week 1.47%
hour 1.46%
year 1.37%
month 0.97%
game 0.89%
case 0.88%
hearing 0.83%
appearance 0.63%
minute 0.63%
minute + p. >>共 62
of 28.68%
before 10.56%
after 8.46%
in 6.33%
for 5.77%
with 5.22%
on 4.57%
into 4.26%
at 3.21%
to 3.06%
每页显示:    共 340