1.   Garnish with mint sprigs.

2.   A mint sprig is poked in between ice cubes.

3.   Add a mint sprig to the dessert dish for eye appeal and fragrance.

4.   Can be served warm or at room temperature with crystallized ginger, carrot curls, mint sprigs and whipped cream, if desired.

5.   Discard the mint sprigs.

6.   Dollop with whipped cream and garnish with fresh raspberries and mint sprigs.

7.   Garnish with fresh mint sprigs, if desired.

8.   Garnish with olives and fresh mint sprigs.

9.   Garnish each serving with honeydew balls and a mint sprig.

10.   Garnish with a mint sprig, and serve.

n. + sprig >>共 18
mint 18.97%
cilantro 13.79%
thyme 13.79%
rosemary 11.49%
parsley 8.62%
dill 8.05%
basil 5.75%
herb 5.75%
chervil 2.87%
coriander 2.30%
mint + n. >>共 60
leaf 27.20%
condition 12.64%
sprig 12.64%
tea 9.58%
jelly 3.07%
chip 2.30%
syrup 1.92%
official 1.92%
spokesman 1.92%
pesto 1.53%
每页显示:    共 33