1.   But, Henderson said, Hispanics, Asian Americans and African Americans stand a greater chance of being elected in districts where minorities dominate.

2.   The Northern Alliance, which is dominated by minority Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Hazara ethnic groups, is skeptical of both ideas.

3.   While minorities will dominate nine districts, Arizona will remain a Republican-dominated state.

4.   Bamiyan is dominated by minority Shiite Muslims who strongly resisted a Taliban takeover last year.

5.   Buyoya says he acted to stem bloodletting by rebels from the Hutu majority and the Burundi army, which is dominated by minority Tutsis.

6.   Governments in Rwanda and southern neighbor Burundi are dominated by minority Tutsis and have armed Hutu opponents.

7.   However, the factious alliance is dominated by minority Tajiks and Uzbeks and is considered unacceptable to the Pashtuns.

8.   In the eastern district of Batticaloa, parts of which are dominated by minority Hindu Tamils, rebels attacked a military post Saturday.

9.   In the eastern district of Batticaloa, parts of the which are dominated by minority Hindu Tamils, rebels attacked a military post on Saturday.

10.   Not surprisingly, in much of Southeast Asia, the Chinese minority dominates commerce and trade.

n. + dominate >>共 1133
company 3.14%
issue 2.85%
man 2.66%
team 2.47%
party 1.51%
weather 1.44%
pressure 1.44%
woman 1.35%
condition 1.09%
sunshine 1.03%
minority 0.70%
minority + v. >>共 268
be 21.47%
have 5.53%
dominate 2.34%
feel 2.02%
say 1.81%
live 1.70%
face 1.59%
want 1.59%
suffer 1.49%
result 1.49%
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