1.   Another dove and Labor Party stalwart, Avraham Burg, got no ministry post.

2.   Barak gave him an ill-defined new ministry post.

3.   Both men have said they are considering offering Sharansky the coveted finance ministry post in the next government.

4.   A decision is expected within a week on the finance ministry post.

5.   After leaving his ministry post, Madelin was clearly unrepentant, suggesting Juppe will have a hard time keeping the ruling coalition together.

6.   Ismail Khan, an Afghan strongman to whom Fayaz had occasionally provided advice, had put forward his name for a ministry post without telling him.

7.   Outspoken Theodoros Pangalos retained his foreign ministry post but was absent from the swearing-in ceremony because he was abroad attending to state affairs.

8.   Oviedo, in a Friday speech to supporters, said he had never sought the ministry post and denied being a rebel.

9.   All the top ministry posts are held by Al Khalifas.

10.   Another old-timer is former premier and central banker Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, who will now hold the treasury and budget ministry posts.

n. + post >>共 425
border 17.27%
police 10.56%
government 9.46%
army 8.38%
leadership 3.83%
fence 2.88%
guard 2.59%
lamp 2.47%
security 2.31%
ministry 1.39%
ministry + n. >>共 313
official 40.75%
spokesman 27.77%
statement 5.88%
source 3.41%
spokeswoman 3.25%
troop 1.34%
building 1.05%
force 0.72%
bureaucrat 0.70%
post 0.67%
每页显示:    共 44