1.   The Associated Press quoted an OPEC source in Vienna as saying that oil ministers were conferring about the response to the Iraqi cutbacks.

2.   This weekend and early next week, the Asean ministers will confer with foreign ministers of other nations, including the U.S., China and Australia.

3.   Ministers conferred privately by telephone and were expected to announce their decision soon, the source said, speaking on customary condition of anonymity.

4.   Mrs. Bhutto will meet with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, while several other Pakistani ministers will confer with their Malaysian counterparts.

5.   Oil ministers were conferring about what action to take once they learn details about the boycott, the source added.

6.   Oil ministers were conferring about what action to take once they learned details about the boycott, the source said.

7.   That could change as Netanyahu and his ministers confer before the Paris meeting with Albright.

8.   On arrival, the Croatian defence minister immediately conferred with Koschnik and the mayor of the Croat quarter, Mijo Brajcovic.

n. + confer >>共 201
official 8.09%
telephone 5.49%
two 2.31%
minister 2.31%
president 2.31%
law 2.02%
diplomat 1.73%
lawyer 1.73%
leader 1.73%
man 1.45%
minister + v. >>共 461
say 18.45%
be 9.76%
meet 3.87%
agree 3.68%
discuss 2.61%
have 1.75%
resign 1.60%
call 1.46%
tell 1.12%
hold 0.97%
confer 0.08%
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