1.   Chop the onion and mince the jalapeno.

2.   Mince jalapenos and set aside.

3.   Mince the jalapenos.

4.   Peel, seed and mince the jalapeno.

5.   Stem and very finely mince the jalapeno.

6.   Throw in as much minced jalapeno as your personal thermometer can easily tolerate.

7.   Wash, halve, trim, seed and finely mince the jalapeno, and add to the onion with cumin and oregano.

8.   Wash, trim, seed and mince the jalapeno, and add.

v. + jalapeno >>共 15
mince 29.63%
add 18.52%
sprinkle 7.41%
beware 3.70%
cross 3.70%
feed 3.70%
fill 3.70%
fry 3.70%
halve 3.70%
peel 3.70%
mince + n. >>共 45
word 60.85%
garlic 8.90%
onion 3.56%
jalapeno 2.85%
step 1.42%
shallot 1.42%
ginger 1.42%
herb 1.42%
basil 1.07%
meat 1.07%
每页显示:    共 8