1.   It was the third big mill shutdown in the area in four years.

2.   Lumber prices rose their daily limit as lumberyards bought supplies before seasonal mill shutdowns.

3.   Lumber prices rose the daily limit as lumberyards bought supplies before seasonal mill shutdowns.

4.   Meanwhile, soaring power costs are forcing some mill shutdowns on the West Coast.

5.   PosGold said output was adversely affected by a planned mill shutdown and lower ore production from underground.

6.   Suddenly, the woeful story of another mill shutdown seemed to take a surprising and uplifting turn.

7.   The revival comes just as a number of mills shutdown to retool and repair machinery or because of recent low prices.

8.   The Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin-based company said mill shutdowns caused by lightning and start up troubles at other mills hurt its profits.

9.   Higgins would not quantify the cost of the mill shutdown and the transport problem.

n. + shutdown >>共 106
government 60.16%
plant 4.59%
maintenance 1.95%
refinery 1.72%
production 1.61%
factory 1.61%
two-week 1.61%
summer 1.15%
six-day 1.15%
engine 1.15%
mill 1.03%
mill + n. >>共 117
town 18.61%
worker 12.16%
owner 7.94%
pond 3.97%
building 3.72%
manager 2.48%
house 2.23%
complex 2.23%
shutdown 2.23%
employee 1.99%
每页显示:    共 9