1.   Milk quotas imposed on dairy farmers have now stabilised, but only after putting many farmers out of business.

2.   Mr MacSharry wants to lower milk quotas and to cut guaranteed prices for dairy products, cereals and beef.

3.   There were a number of dairy farmers whose uncertainty about milk quotas was reflected in their responses.

4.   There was huge uncertainty surrounding the proposed changes on milk quotas.

5.   The commission strongly resisted French, Irish and Luxembourg demands to restore the suspended milk quota for dairy farmers in mountain areas.

6.   FARMERS who regularly lease out milk quota could get even higher prices from dairy companies after the milk board system is dissolved.

7.   Pinto is trying to convince the European Union to raise milk quotas.

8.   Dairy farmers protesting EU milk quotas demonstrated outside Parliament Wednesday as legislators started discussing who will pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines.

9.   Dairy farmers, angered by European Union fines for exceeding milk quotas, have been blocking roads in protest.

10.   Italian dairy farmers have two more months to pay European Union fines for exceeding milk production quotas, Premier Romano Prodi said Thursday.

n. + quota >>共 150
production 17.28%
import 13.87%
export 10.34%
catch 3.14%
output 3.01%
milk 2.62%
textile 2.49%
oil 2.36%
disk 2.23%
immigration 2.23%
milk + n. >>共 241
price 7.21%
mixture 6.63%
carton 6.39%
product 5.81%
production 5.41%
bottle 4.26%
jug 3.77%
producer 2.87%
crate 2.78%
cow 2.29%
quota 1.64%
每页显示:    共 20