1.   The ships had travelled thousands of miles through hostile waters to converge in the Atlantic.

2.   We built roads and villages and brought rubber trees and planted them for mile after mile through your wild land.

3.   The road winds for miles through parched earth, scrub and cactus.

4.   As for the slaves, escape meant a journey of hundreds of miles through unknown country, where they were usually easy to recognize.

5.   At times you may find yourself driving for miles through a peaceful area.

6.   All accumulate in the food chain and can travel thousands of miles through air, water and bird migrations, causing lasting contamination.

7.   Eleanor Roosevelt frequently walked the mile through the woods from her place to his.

8.   Even self-assured drivers can feel pangs of anxiety after driving miles through the dusky phosphorescence of an Alpine tunnel.

9.   He once traveled for many miles through the snow to nurse Massasoit, chief of the Wampanoags.

10.   He saw a man run out the back and chased him more than a mile through afternoon traffic even after the man had stabbed him.

n. + through >>共 1504
way 5.85%
midway 2.79%
money 0.83%
march 0.60%
swing 0.60%
trip 0.59%
service 0.56%
route 0.55%
water 0.55%
walk 0.51%
mile 0.06%
mile + p. >>共 60
of 28.50%
from 17.54%
to 10.17%
in 4.71%
down 3.56%
around 3.05%
for 2.97%
on 2.85%
off 2.41%
per 1.98%
through 0.99%
每页显示:    共 25