1.   However, our recent spate of hot summers and mild winters seems to be redressing the balance somewhat.

2.   In mild winters apples buds began to break soon after Christmas, leaving them vulnerable to frost damage.

3.   It is a land of gentle summers and mild winters.

4.   It is warm all year round, with warm summers, mild winters and moderate rainfall.

5.   Some plants will survive outside during a mild winter.

6.   Thus far it has been a relatively mild winter in Baltimore, which is causing the usual whining from the Snow Freaks.

7.   We had a pretty mild winter last year.

8.   We had an exceptionally mild winter last year.

9.   The mild winter has created the ideal conditions for an ant population explosion.

10.   Building work at the Faverolles factory in northern France started last November and thanks to a relatively mild winter is running to schedule.

a. + winter >>共 703
last 23.97%
cold 5.35%
mild 4.49%
harsh 4.27%
next 3.69%
late 2.92%
severe 1.92%
long 1.92%
warm 1.88%
past 1.54%
mild + n. >>共 775
weather 7.22%
winter 6.16%
air 4.48%
concussion 4.21%
profanity 3.07%
case 2.39%
stroke 2.17%
earthquake 1.90%
temperature 1.60%
form 1.47%
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