1.   But know that in apartments and houses all around Boston and New York, widows will sob as they pick at microwave dinners.

2.   Exhausted, we slump in front of the TV or the computer and eat microwave dinners or takeout, which we wash down with sugary sodas.

3.   He eats microwave dinners.

4.   How come, in a typical microwave dinner, the peas are dry, the ham lukewarm and the mashed potatoes still frozen?

n. + dinner >>共 301
night 7.38%
award 4.79%
holiday 3.93%
potluck 3.26%
turkey 2.97%
charity 2.97%
steak 2.88%
team 2.59%
evening 2.49%
farewell 1.82%
microwave 0.38%
microwave + n. >>共 130
radiation 11.56%
popcorn 7.80%
tower 4.34%
technology 3.76%
background 3.18%
dish 3.18%
energy 3.18%
signal 2.89%
network 2.60%
link 2.31%
dinner 1.16%
每页显示:    共 4