1.   And when a Mexican customs official was arrested after a border brawl, DeLaO secured his release.

2.   Brunen said he suddenly remembered the ammo while stopped at the Mexican customs station.

3.   Charity workers say Mexican customs inspectors often stop them from bringing in donated goods.

4.   For the time being Mexican customs will observe the old procedure.

5.   He said he tried to tell the Mexican customs officials in broken Spanish that he was declaring the bullets.

6.   In December the president personally visited Mexican customs checkpoints along the border to help ensure Mexicans returning home for Christmas were not harassed.

7.   It will permit Mexican customs officers at border checkpoints to scan in the amount of purchases by Mexican shoppers coming back from the United States.

8.   Old Mexican social custom calls for traveling as a family.

9.   Pedestrians were being pushed together like sardines Monday as they shelled out tolls and filed through turnstiles for inspection by U.S. or Mexican customs authorities.

10.   The six-person staff will include a Mexican customs official, Sauceda said.

a. + custom >>共 485
local 7.27%
russian 3.22%
chinese 2.38%
social 2.38%
jewish 2.32%
japanese 2.25%
traditional 2.19%
old 2.06%
islamic 1.99%
ancient 1.80%
mexican 0.84%
mexican + n. >>共 714
government 7.24%
stock 4.58%
official 4.43%
authority 2.39%
peso 2.35%
border 2.07%
truck 1.93%
economy 1.91%
immigrant 1.73%
company 1.65%
custom 0.11%
每页显示:    共 13