1.   Even if all the metronome markings are accurate, they can be questioned on purely musical grounds.

2.   Stravinsky was careful to put precise metronome markings in his scores to indicate the tempos he desired.

3.   Tempo in Beethoven is a dangerous topic, apt to lead into endless, fruitless discussions of metronome markings.

4.   Working with Harbison, Stahl hewed more strictly to the metronome markings in the score than Levine had at the Met.

n. + marking >>共 67
lane 6.38%
metronome 4.26%
road 4.26%
runway 4.26%
ballot 3.19%
army 2.13%
bill 2.13%
border 2.13%
bore 2.13%
chalk 2.13%
metronome + n. >>共 6
marking 40.00%
mark 20.00%
beat 10.00%
finger 10.00%
following 10.00%
quality 10.00%
每页显示:    共 4