1.   Doctors reported that he had fractured a metatarsal bone in his left foot and said that it would require from six to eight weeks to heal.

2.   It fans out along the plantar surface, or sole, of the foot to attach at its other end to the five metatarsal bones of the toes.

3.   Munoz suffered a nondisplaced fracture in the fifth metatarsal bone after dropping a computer monitor on his right foot Wednesday.

4.   Murray was diagnosed with a stress fracture in the fifth metatarsal bone of his left foot.

5.   Several weeks ago, Hines fractured the fifth metatarsal bone in his right foot.

6.   Three metatarsal bones were broken.

7.   Williams has previously broken the fifth metatarsal bone in both of his feet.

8.   But, he was placed on injured reserve when further exams revealed spread metatarsal bones in the left foot, requiring surgery and screw insertion next week.

9.   Doctors inserted a screw in his metatarsal bone, where Lynch had a stress fracture last August.

10.   Fortunately for England, the midfielder broke the second metatarsal bone in his left foot rather than his right.

a. + bone >>共 510
broken 29.84%
human 4.59%
brittle 2.27%
animal 2.23%
hip 1.75%
old 1.54%
small 1.46%
chicken 1.38%
strong 1.34%
fractured 1.34%
metatarsal 0.77%
metatarsal + n. >>共 5
bone 73.08%
joint 15.38%
area 3.85%
game 3.85%
sprain 3.85%
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