1.   And you would never have to clutter cabinets with extra metal pans.

2.   Avoid pans with dark finishes as they do not reflect the heat as shiny metal pans, causing crusts to darken quickly or even burn.

3.   A metal pan, three feet square, will be put underneath the chair where Taylor sits.

4.   If you have an exact fit, a bought crust in a foil tin can be carefully transferred to a metal pan before baking.

5.   If your car is leaking any fluid, pour the litter in a shallow metal pan and place it under the leak.

6.   Metal pans should be kept near the grill to dump hot coals, as well as a fire extinguisher for grease fires.

7.   My husband put charcoal in a metal pan and put it in the fridge.

8.   On each side of the rail, a lip of the metal pan curves inward and helps hold the rail in place.

9.   On top of each pad is a shallow metal pan, and in each pan sits a rubber pad that surrounds the lower part of the rail.

10.   One suggestion is to block access to the air bag by crossing two anti-theft bars over the steering wheel or using a special metal pan that covers the wheel.

a. + pan >>共 222
roasting 15.69%
baking 13.48%
prepared 10.27%
large 6.24%
shallow 4.91%
small 4.47%
nonstick 4.35%
hot 2.46%
larger 1.95%
heavy 1.83%
metal 1.07%
metal + n. >>共 1168
detector 16.49%
plate 2.24%
bar 1.76%
price 1.54%
door 1.45%
pipe 1.42%
rod 1.35%
part 1.26%
box 1.22%
object 1.16%
pan 0.25%
每页显示:    共 17