1.   Distortions due to the formation of hydrogen bonds are usually smaller than those due to co-ordination to metal ions.

2.   For this reason concentrations of potentially interfering metal ions approximating the serum levels are used in the standards.

3.   High-temperature gas cleaning techniques remove the water and metal ions which are a natural constituent of silica glass, and attenuate light.

4.   Trace metal ions in the solution are thereby reduced and plated on to the anodic electrode.

5.   The metal ions in a metallic lattice may be regarded as spheres.

6.   This was repeated in triplicate and samples were analysed for metal ions by ICPES.

7.   The nuclear industry produces waste streams which contain a variety of radioactive metal ions, the extraction of which minimises radioactive discharges.

8.   A negatively charged electron draws surrounding positively charged metal ions toward it, generating a vibration that travels through the metal lattice.

9.   Chelants are used to neutralize and inactivate metal ions in cleaners, pulp, paper, food and other products.

a. + ion >>共 52
negative 13.71%
charged 12.10%
metal 11.29%
positive 9.68%
complex 4.03%
gaseous 3.23%
present 2.42%
silver 2.42%
lead 1.61%
heavy 1.61%
metal + n. >>共 1168
detector 16.49%
plate 2.24%
bar 1.76%
price 1.54%
door 1.45%
pipe 1.42%
rod 1.35%
part 1.26%
box 1.22%
object 1.16%
ion 0.21%
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