1.   A positive base excess is associated with metabolic alkalosis, and a negative base excess is associated with metabolic acidosis.

2.   Hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis occur together in states of mineralocorticoid excess, with diuretic therapy or abuse, and in vomiting.

3.   The history, examination, and electrolyte levels suggest mild metabolic alkalosis.

4.   This equation is applicable to patients with simple metabolic acidosis, and can not be extended to include those with metabolic alkalosis.

5.   This indicates the presence of a metabolic alkalosis.

6.   Vomiting, however, leads to a loss of gastric hydrochloric acid, and often causes a metabolic alkalosis.

7.   Electrolyte disturbance typically takes the form of a hypokalaemic, hypochloraemic, metabolic alkalosis.

a. + alkalosis >>共 4
metabolic 53.85%
respiratory 23.08%
primary 15.38%
mild 7.69%
metabolic + n. >>共 73
rate 23.95%
disorder 10.92%
disease 5.46%
activity 4.20%
acidosis 3.78%
process 3.36%
alkalosis 2.94%
product 2.10%
state 2.10%
system 2.10%
每页显示:    共 7