1.   Australian pay television operators Australis Media Ltd. and Foxtel Ltd. said they plan to merge their businesses.

2.   For example, Bell Atlantic and NYNEX are negotiating whether to merge their long-distance businesses.

3.   Imagine two giant corporations merging their businesses, from corporate headquarters in New York and London to far-flung divisions across the globe.

4.   In the past few months, BellSouth has forged a deal with SBC to merge wireless businesses and buy whatever new licenses are needed for a national offering.

5.   Investors thought so because late yesterday, Grace disclosed that Hercules Inc., another maker of specialty chemicals, proposed that the two chemicals businesses be merged.

6.   The conglomerate, whose interests include electronics, automaking, construction, shipbuilding, and finance, said it will also sell or merge unprofitable businesses.

7.   The conglomerate, whose interests include electronics, automaking, construction, shipbuilding, and finance, said it will sell or merge unprofitable businesses.

8.   Under the new corporate structure, Informix will merge five businesses and consolidate them into two groups to streamline operations.

9.   When Citicorp and Travelers merge their businesses, the companies are expected to use a controversial accounting method that will help executives almost magically report higher future profits.

10.   The businesses will be merged to form a new business owned half each by Brierley and Bollore.

v. + business >>共 684
do 25.56%
have 3.61%
conduct 3.37%
run 2.91%
start 2.25%
expand 2.17%
sell 1.54%
lose 1.41%
build 1.34%
hurt 1.24%
merge 0.10%
merge + n. >>共 259
operation 10.42%
company 7.59%
bank 3.42%
two 2.68%
business 2.53%
fund 2.38%
ministry 2.08%
unit 1.93%
part 1.49%
force 1.49%
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